Femara (Letrozole) is often referred to by the bodybuilding community as one of the best aromatase inhibitors for bodybuilding.
While Letrozole was originally synthesized for medical use particularly in the treatment of postmenopausal breast cancer in women, it is more renowned especially amongst bodybuilders for its role in providing hormonal balance by helping in the effective management of estrogen levels to reduce estrogenic side effects, promote fat burn, muscle building, and general performance gains.
In this guide, we highlight the benefits of Letrozole in bodybuilding, and the recommended Letrozole dosage for bodybuilders amongst other considerations.
What Is Femara and How Letrozole helps Manage Estrogen in Bodybuilders
As already mentioned, Femara (Letrozole) is a well-known aromatase inhibitor or AI that functions by blocking the enzyme aromatase that is responsible for converting androgens in the body into the predominantly female hormone known as estrogen.
Bodybuilders make use of Femara (Letrozole) to restore hormonal balance in their bodies in order to promote fat loss, muscle-building, and enhanced athletic performance.
The Main Benefits of Letrozole in Bodybuilding
Ask any bodybuilder familiar with the potency of Femara for the benefits of Letrozole in bodybuilding and they will unanimously tell you that Femara (Letrozole) offers the following key advantages below;
Femara (Letrozole) Regulates Estrogen Levels
As you run a bulking or cutting cycle using anabolic steroids like testosterone that aromatize and convert into estrogen in the body, you will be exposed to certain risk factors and estrogenic side effects like water retention, bloating and gynecomastia (male boobs).
However, Femara (Letrozole) will help to regulate estrogen levels by blocking the enzyme aromatase that converts the androgens in steroids into estrogen. Femara (Letrozole) can therefore prevent bodybuilders from experiencing the harsh effects of high estrogen levels.
Letrozole for Gynecomastia Prevention
Femara (Letrozole) for gynecomastia prevention is one of the most popular reasons why bodybuilders use this AI whilst running an anabolic steroid cycle. Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue particularly in male bodybuilders using an aromatizable steroid.
However, Femara (Letrozole) will help to block the enzyme aromatase known to convert androgen into estrogen. This singular act alone has the capability of preventing or reversing incipient gynecomastia (i.e. in its early stage).
Reducing Fluid Retention
Another side effect of increased estrogen levels is excessive fluid or water retention. This can cause bodybuilders to have a puffy or bloated appearance which is not something most bodybuilders would like as a competition-ready physique characterized by a lean, dry, hard, shredded and vascular appearance is always preferred by bodybuilders.
With Femara (Letrozole) bodybuilders are able to prepare for a competitive event without worrying too much about gaining excessive water weight on the course of their anabolic steroid cycle, training, and nutrition program.
Boost In Endogenous Testosterone Levels
Apart from Letrozole preventing excessive estrogen levels, this AI will also help in promoting the production of endogenous testosterone by equally boosting the body’s follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) production.
Letrozole is therefore a preferred aromatase inhibitor included in many bodybuilders post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol aimed at restoring a balance to hormonal levels including natural testosterone production.
Letrozole Dosage for Bodybuilders
Due to the veracity of Femara (Letrozole), bodybuilders tend to run a low dosage plan in order to avoid the excessive suppression of estrogen which in itself can lead to mild or severe health concerns.
Typically, bodybuilders take between 0.25 to 2.5 mg of Femara (Letrozole) daily. The recommended Letrozole dosage for bodybuilders will all depend on the specific bodybuilding and performance-related needs of individual bodybuilders as well as the type of steroid cycle and/or stack that a bodybuilder decides to run.
When it comes to when to use Femara (Letrozole), it must be said that the versatility of this AI ensures that bodybuilders can use it during their steroid cycle to prevent side effects causes by spikes in estrogen level, for the treatment of gynecomastia particularly in the early stage (incipient gynecomastia) and also during PCT to help in bringing a balance to hormonal levels.
Possible Side Effects Associated with using Femara (Letrozole)
While the benefits of Letrozole in bodybuilding are very telling, you should still be cautious when using Letrozole as there are possible side effects worth noting, such as :
- Suppression of estrogen levels: As stated earlier, bodybuilders can experience the heavy suppression of their estrogen levels. However, this may occur if bodybuilders misuse or abuse their Letrozole dosage plan.
With excessive suppression of estrogen levels bodybuilders may experience a number of physical and emotional side effects including poor immune function, joint pain, low libido, high cholesterol levels, greater cardiovascular risks and even mood swings.
- Imbalance in hormonal levels: By misusing or abusing Letrozole, bodybuilders may experience an imbalance in their hormonal levels which can then lead to a myriad of health complications and concerns.
It is therefore important that bodybuilders conduct a series of blood tests during their use of Letrozole either while running a steroid cycle or during PCT.
- Bone density concerns:
The excessive use of Letrozole is believed to be detrimental to bone health by impacting adversely on bone density.
In closing, it is important to note that Femara (Letrozole) is not ideally suited for every bodybuilder. You should therefore be clear on why you intend using Letrozole.
If you intend going natty, you do not need to use Letrozole as it could only result in estrogen suppression and the different health concerns that could arise.
Typically, you should only use Femara (Letrozole) when you intend running a steroid cycle, particularly one involving steroids that are known to aromatize and convert to estrogen when used.
The key benefits of Letrozole in bodybuilding include preventing excessive estrogen levels and all the related side effects that come with excessive estrogen levels like excessive fluid (water) retention and bloating.
Letrozole will also help in reversing gynecomastia especially if it is in its early stage of development. Finally, Letrozole ensures hormonal balance which is necessary for fat burning, muscle-building and athletic enhanced performance. If you want more information about the benefits of Letrozole in bodybuilding,
how Letrozole helps manage estrogen in bodybuilders or Letrozole for incipient gynecomastia prevention or reversal, you can contact us today.